Thursday, 29 September 2016

Keeping The Truth (Secondary Source)

After reading Titanic: Anatomy of a Blockbuster, I came across some interviews and opinions that highlights whether the film shows the whole truth. On page 255, it says "Cameron has... intentionally placed real historical people in the background of the scenes throughout the film". This therefore shows me that Cameron has tried to keep to the true story of the real even as much as possible. Being a director he had to make the decision to create a story (love story) that surrounded the truth of the event and he had artistic licence to bend or maybe leave out some facts.

However, there is always the argument that films depicting real life events can never been completely true and stick wholly to the truth simply down to audience demand. Thomas Elsasser says "Titanic demonstrates... cinemas ability to redeem the past, the real and that which was never real". After reading this I understand that there is never going to be 100% fact in any film showing a historic event. But the argument is still there that Cameron did a good job and showing a vast audience some truth of the disaster of the Titanic.

Titanic: Anatomy of a Blockbuster, Kevin S. Sandler and Gaylyn Studlar, 1999

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