Thursday 29 September 2016

Social Network - Focus Scenes

I need three focus scenes from each of my chosen films. I could use the final scene of the film as one of my three focus scenes as I know that it includes lots of fact. This therefore means I can compare the fact given in the film to the true fact about the actual event.

Facts given in the ending (shown through titling):
- Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss received a settlement of 65 million dollars and sighed a non-disclosure agreement.
- They also rowed for the US Olympic team in Bejing and placed 6th.
- Eduardo Saverin received an unknown settlement. His name has been restored to the Facebook masthead as co-founder.
- Facebook has 500 million members in 207 countries. It's currently valued at 25 billion dollars.
- Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire in the world.

By showing information at the end of the film to the audience shows me that the whole film was a clear documentation of the real event. The fact that "artistic licence" is shown throughout doesn't cover the fact that there is real fact in the film. Having titling makes the film also feel concluded and also gives a feeling of true fact being given to the audience.


  1. I think it will be important to look for Mark Zuckerberg's responses to the film, and the debates that the film sparked about the role of facebook in modern society. Think about the possible differences between Mark the real person, and Mark the character. Consider also the role of the star and director.

    1. Okay, I will find some interviews with Zuckerberg, David Fincher and Jesse Eisenberg, this should help me focus on character and therefore truth
