Wednesday 28 September 2016

Related Films Chosen

After researching basic facts about all the of the events in my possible related films I have chosen to use Apollo 13 and The Social Network. This is down to the fact that Apollo 13 has reliable information surrounding the actual event due to the high level of importance of the mission. As well as this NASA has full documents on the event minute by minute leaving little room for no information. The Social Network is all about the setting up of Facebook, this therefore has a lot of documentation on it also and as a result plenty of secondary research. As well as this, opinion form different people will allow me to understand the events better and see how different the film was form the fact. This is mainly down to the fact that money was a huge part of the process. Lastly, because the creation of Facebook was fairly recent it means that much of the source will be reliable as they will have been written during the time of the event.

Therefore, my focus film is Titanic and my focus films are Apollo 13 and The Social Network.

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