Wednesday 14 September 2016

(Old Idea) Rationale

Draft Title: Exploring social issues in film

Focus Film: Requiem For A Dream (2000)
Related films: Pulp Fiction (1994), Trainspotting (1996)

Primary Research: I have chosen to look at drugs in particular in Requiem For A Dream, and more specifically addiction. Therefore, I have chosen to look at key scenes which show addiction. For Sara's character I will look at her addiction to food and a specific scene which shows this. For Harry, Marion and Tyrone I will look at their addiction to drugs and a key scene in particular. With each of the film I will focus on the scenes which show the consequences of social issues. In particular for Requiem For A Dream I will look at the final scene of the film which shows a montage of where all the character have ended up as a result of addiction.

I have chosen to look at violence in Pulp Fiction and to show how it is passed off as a casual recreational action. In particular I will look at the scene where Vincent and Jules are in the car with a hostage to show that a comedy is shown to violence. I will also focus in the scene where Mia Wallace over doses as this has a tension and therefore violence throughout. Lastly I will look at the scene where Jules and Vincent break into the flat. I hope that looking at these scenes will help me identify that violence is shown in a romanticised way.

For Trainspotting I am looking at the social issue of peer pressure. In particular I will look at the scene where Tommy becomes a drug addict as a result of peer pressure, although it is not shown directly. I will also look at a couple of other scenes that I am still undecided on.

Secondary Research: This will include articles from Sight and Sound and Empire. As well as this I will look at directors interviews and find books which focus on the social issues in film.  I feel that directors comment will be useful as it will give insight as to why they have chosen to explore the social issue in particular. As well as this I will continue to research my topic on various film websites such as IMDB to get a broader range of information concerning my title.

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